Healing Hope Counseling LLC. is the place to be

Customized therapy that makes sense.


Call or Text 24/7 (Response within hours)

The time is now. You deserve it.

Professional Therapy Services

The best-researched interventions are customized for you.

Not all therapy is the same.


30-minute Zoom Consultation


Interventions backed by research


Licensure to ensure the best care

Therapy that accelerates your growth.

Healing Hope Counseling utilizes transparency & insights that help fuel a thriving & fulfilling life.

Friends are not quite therapy.

Though great friends are therapeutic, an outside perspective helps us learn more about ourselves, our lived realities & our situations.

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Movement helps our bodies heal.

Movement helps us center our emotions, release tension, find clarity & peace.

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Guided imagery prepares our minds

For stressful events that we have more control over than it may feel.

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Client as expert approach to therapy services.

You are not alone, and your stress is valid. Life is short, you deserve peace & contentment.

Change is more than possible

We are wired for this

Direct approach to therapy means progress

in-person or virtual

Therapy options to meet your needs

Open communication is prioritized

Why people love customized therapy.

It is unique to your personal needs

You are in control of your own growth goals

Transparent approaches utilized

Start growing with Healing.

The first step is always the hardest.